2-Way Text Messaging
Email messaging
Google My Business Messaging
Google My Business Call Tracking
Missed Call Text Back
Text to Pay
Reputation Management
Website Chat Widget
24/7 support
DigiMojo Business Plan Subscription: Make Your Customer Relationships Easier Than Ever!
Are you looking for a comprehensive CRM software package to streamline customer communications? Look only as far as DigiMojo's Business Plan Subscription. This complete CRM Software package offers businesses the tools to manage customer relations through multiple channels efficiently.
DigiMojo's Business Plan Subscription includes two-way text and email, Facebook Messenger, GMB messaging, GMB Call Tracking, missed call text back, Text to Pay, Reputation Management, Web Chat, and advanced automation workflows. With all these options, you can easily take control of your customer service.
You no longer have to worry about managing customer relations via multiple channels. DigiMojo simplifies the process and offers businesses easier handling of customer communications. You will be able to manage customer contacts, respond to customer inquiries, and create automated workflows that help to serve your customers better.
DigiMojo's Business Plan Subscription is the perfect solution for any business looking to streamline customer communications. DigiMojo's comprehensive CRM Software package will make customer service more accessible and efficient. Make the switch to DigiMojo and take control of your customer service today!